News from Cognac Légier

Foie gras with cognac for Christmas
christmas or new year festive canape with foie gras

Foie gras with cognac for Christmas

Gastronomic pleasure in perspective! Our foie gras recipe with cognac is a feast for the senses. The rich flavours of…


Did you know that plants also love music? This is what the University of California in San Diego and several…

Bbzzz Bbzzz Bbzzz

I am pleased to present the first results of the collaboration between our bees and the beekeeper «Beewizme». Fascinated by…

Conquering the West

In August 2023, Légier cognacs went in pursuit of the American dream at the prestigious contest «US SPRITS RATING» to…

A triple winner for our cognacs

We are very proud to annonce that our cognacs were rewarded at the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2022. COGNAC LÉGIER…

Silver medal for our XO!

We had the pleasure to receive the silver medal at the “concours des saveurs Nouvelle Aquitaine*” into the Monocru category.…

HVE Certification

We have obtained HVE certification, which highlights the work carried out in our vines and on our land for several…

Plantation 2020

We have again planted vines this year, it is always a high and magical moment. To see these plants that…

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